Our vision:
Clubhouse is a community where self valuing people create a healthier community by working together.
The mission of a clubhouse is raising the quality of life in people with mental health conditions through creating a sense of worth and belonging to the community.
Haabersti clubhouse supports people with mental health conditions by offering them a membership to the clubhouse. Coming here and participating in the clubhouse work is voluntary.
Falling ill with a mental health condition can oftentimes have a devastating effect, depriving the person of everything – family, friends, work, sometimes even home; but what’s the most debilitating is that it takes away the hope and belief in oneself.
Clubhouse gives people back hope and belief in one’s own abilities. It is a place that gives people a sense of belonging and helps to avoid the danger of being isolated in the society due to the condition.
Haabersti clubhouse, created in 1996, is the longest standing unit of Tallinn Mental Health Center. Tallinn Mental Health Center offers mental health services to people with mental health conditions as well as to their families. In addition to Haabersti clubhouse, there are two day centers: Lasnamäe activity center and Therapy center; three supported living homes: Pelguranna home for the Youth, Stroomi house and Iru house; community care team and rehabilitation team.
Haabersti clubhouse is the only clubhouse in the Baltics still to this day. There are over 300 clubhouses in the world which all belong to an international association Clubhouse International and function under unified standards. People with mental health conditions are not seen as patients, clients or consumers of services. In the clubhouse there are only members who all have their own talents, abilities and skills.
More information: http://clubhouse-intl.org/